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Archive for June, 2020



Even though lockdown is now easing, so many of us are still working from home. I don’t know about you, but the comfy, baggy, tracky bottoms and slouchy tops have long lost their appeal. Being a stylist, I felt I had to up my game if I wasn’t going to look lockdown loco! I still wanted something comfortable to wear, but needed to look more stylish for Zoom chats and greeting the postman in the morning!


So, I was really thrilled when Femme Luxe approached me about doing a collab with their lovely loungewear. I really like their streamline belted tunic and legging sets. They’re very flattering and cleverly concealed how much banana bread I’ve consumed over lockdown! I’ve never done a collab before so was excited to give it a go. I really enjoyed the whole experience, although I must say it was very weird being the other side of the camera. This influencing game is much more challenging than it looks. It’s like a multi-tasking test extraordinaire – being the model, make-up artist, hairdresser, stylist and art director whilst continually beaming like the brightest lighthouse at the camera. Thanks to Team Elgood – my hubster and daughter Lily who were remarkably patient on the shoot taking turns humouring me and snapping away on their iPhones. It’s amazing what my family will do for a takeaway curry and a couple of beers!


Anyway, click here to see the full fabulous loungewear range at Femme Luxe.