Posts tagged ‘Vintage’
It was one of those shoots that looks so serene, but behind the scenes there was no lack of drama. The aim was to produce ethereal looking images with a very theatrical slant. So styling wise I mixed up the look, using vintage clothes, period costume pieces and designer dresses. I love the beautiful and magically eccentric work of the photographer Tim Walker so that was a big influence.
But there was trouble ahead…… first of all there was a fiasco with the syrup. For those who aren’t familiar with Cockney rhyming that of course is the wig! We hunted high and low for the perfect one that gave our model Karmen that surreal doll-like quality. After many rejects the perfect one was made up by a fabulous hairdresser ‘Padge’ in Bristol. Then as our photographer Charlie Troman had recently moved to the West Country we decided to shoot our story in a converted Cotswold barn in Malmesbury. Unfortunately we chose a Winter’s day when the conditions were practically Arctic. I picked up our model at 5am in the glamorous location of Hanger Lane roundabout in West London and literally slid all the way to Wiltshire in the snow. So anyhow here is the very aptly named shoot White on White….
Photography – Charlie Troman. Fashion Stylist – Becky John. Make-up – Kat Louise