I have to admit this blogging malarkey is new to me. Although I’ve worked as a fashion editor on magazines and newspapers for over 15 year, truthfully I hadn’t taken a massive interest in blogs.
Gradually my world is changing. So many magazines that I’ve loved and grown up with are folding and the ones that remain often don’t have budgets for fashion shoots. Today’s technology is spoiling us with choice. On a typical family evening in, it is not unusual for my 14-year-old daughter Lily to be ‘triple screening’. That is watching TV, reading a blog on her tablet and texting her friends on her mobile phone. My down time when I was her age was watching one of the 3 channels on ‘the box’ and perhaps flicking through a magazine or two. The only technology I knew was thumping the top of the telly when the reception was so bad we were reduced to a screen full of fast moving horizontal lines!
So embracing technology I have started my fashion blog. And as I’m not exactly ‘Techy Becky’ it didn’t come easy. On a magazine, the fashion editor is responsible for styling shoots and writing the accompanying feature. From there you hand over the pictures and ‘copy’ to first a sub-editor who proof reads it and then onto the art department where they layout all the images to produce a beautiful fashion spread. On a blog you’re on your own and I was baffled to know how to start. So, one Sunday afternoon I sat at my computer and watched hours and hours of tutorials on YouTube on how to do a blog post until at last I had that eureka moment and took the plunge!
I know you’re probably rolling your eyes now thinking “we’ve been at it for years, where have you been”? Well I suppose I’ve been living in my own little fashion bubble. Mind you, now I’ve started there’s no stopping me – I’m obsessed. I’m constantly reading and devouring information about blogs. I can only compare it to having a new baby. It’s a lot more work than you expect but more rewarding than I ever imagined!
Anyhow all this in mind I jumped at the chance to meet the 24-year-old queen bee of fashion and beauty bloggers, Tanya Burr. So successful is her blog and vlog (with over 6 million viewers per month on YouTube) that this one time make-up artist was having her second beauty launch in The Sanderson Hotel. I was already very impressed with her Eye Candy lip-glosses and nail polishes especially the purple ‘Midnight Sparkles” shade which I wore on my toes throughout the summer. I was now very excited to try out the new luxurious lashes!
I knew this swanky launch would be overflowing with the young blogging and vlogging glitterati so was thrilled when my daughter Lily said she’d accompany me. She’s completely au fait with all things vlog and effortlessly navigated me around the room pointing out all the royalty – Zoella, Casper Lee, Marcus Butler, and Naomi Smart.
Tanya was lovely and friendly to us both. She was there with fiance and fellow vlogger Jim Chapman. She told us how she loved clothes and liked to keep up to date with all the current trends. This obviously is paying off as this season Tanya has been spotted on the front row of many a show at London Fashion Week. Lily and I had great fun at the launch, eating all the amazing cup cakes and trying on all the different styles of lashes.
Meeting Tanya Burr was really inspiring – she really has achieved so much at such a young age. So along with my new lashes I think I’ll continue to give this blogging world a little flutter….. you never know what might happen.
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