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PlayerLayer Leggings Studio Selfridges 008I’ve thoroughly enjoyed The Olympics and so proud of Team GB and their amazing haul of medals. So feel I need to flag up these very patriotic leggings that fitnesswear brand PlayerLayer have launched to celebrate this summer of sport. They have a pop-up shop right now in the new Body Studio of London’s department store Selfridges. The range consists of 12 popular national flags. But if your country isn’t one of these, you can easily order your own using iPads and PlayerLayer’s customising platform allowing you to design your very own unique leggings.

PlayerLayer Leggings Studio Selfridges 006PlayerLayer Leggings Studio Selfridges 018PlayerLayer Leggings Studio Selfridges 027Leggings Studio by PlayerLayer is also available online at Prices start from £90 for limited edition ‘Fly Your Flag’ print and £100 to customise your own leggings.

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